Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Profound Thoughts I: Of Love and Whatnots

I pretty much think about relationships and some other things happening in this world and from fictional worlds, of which I should not concern myself with, lately. I started reading lots tons of books-- those which revolve around love and fate or whatever others would relate to it. And I'm seriously getting worried about what goes on inside my head. It's not that I'm running suicidal or homicidal thoughts at that, but I can't seem to get a solid opinion and/or idea about relationships, and that's what exactly tips me off. 

I am not optimistic about the authors' optimism about love stories, though I secretly wish that these could exist in real life. But in whichever way I think of it, the relationships of the characters in the fictional worlds in my precious books are far simpler yet complicated than what reality is. 

Have I mentioned about the characters as well? The male protagonists in each love story are killing me! There could be no way that those fictional, almost-perfect creatures could co-exist with the human race in this universe-slash-galaxy. It's true, I somehow lost my faith in humanity, at least I lost my faith in MANkind. I am not saying that men are worthless jerks/douchebags, I actually get along pretty well amongst them-- as a friend, as a colleague, as a something else except those involving love or sex. After saying that, I also have that tiny bit of hope that maybe (just maybe) 1 out of 50, 000 male species out there is decent enough to be someone's ideal.

Right now, at this moment, I can't possibly give you a straight input or opinion about my idea about love and relationships. It is just complicated, like a mash-up song you hear over the radio but most probably from the mp3 you downloaded unto your iPods. So if you would like to ask me with a lineup of questions about L.O.V.E., my answer would greatly depend on my mood and what book I've recently read.



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